
Medina Presbyterian Church is a congregation of followers of Jesus Christ. We believe he is the hope of the world, and in his name we welcome all those who come seeking him. We believe the purpose of the church in the world is to glorify God by making disciples and meeting human need. We are working to become more faithful disciples ourselves, and we encourage others to join us in that effort. We listen for God’s Word from the pages of scripture, and open ourselves to the transforming power of God’s Holy Spirit. The Rev. Dr. Henry Pearce, Pastor

Online Service

Please join us in worship online.  This service is live-streamed, and can be accessed using the links below. Services are archived for later use on Youtube.

 Worship Live Service Order of Worship Library

Worship Service Live Stream Link

Prayer Chain

We believe in the power of praying with and for one another and we offer members and visitors alike access to our prayer chain.

Prayer Chain

Annual Report

The 2024 annual report sharing the wonderful work being done at Medina Presbyterian Church as we seek to serve and worship the Lord can be found here.

Online Giving Available

Click on the button below to be taken to our online giving provider E-Giving.

Upcoming Services & Events

Fri 28

Zoom study group 12 noon

March 28 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat 29

Easter candy making 9 am

March 29 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sun 30
Apr 05

Easter candy making 9 am

April 5 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Apr 05

Personal care pantry distribution, 8-9:30 am

April 5 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Latest News


Deacons Planning Easter Food Baskets

The Board of Deacons has now begun planning the assembly and distribution of Easter food baskets to needy households. Donations of funds are requested (Each basket costs about $50.) and delivery teams are being recruited for the distribution on Saturday, April 12.Donations can be made by check or through the online giving portal on thispage. Contact the church office to sign up to help with delivery.

Deacons Complete Valentine Packages

The Board of Deacons has completed distribution of gift packages to college students, service members and shut-ins. Thanks to all who contributed to this effort.


Easter Candy-Making Now Being Planned

The Easter production and sale of our famous dark chocolate and pecan clusters, to fund hunger relief efforts around the world, is now being planned. Watch for an order form here.

Presbytery of the Western Reserve

Medina Presbyterian Church is part of the Presbytery of the Western Reserve. The Presbytery of the Western Reserve is a geographic area encompassing 39 churches, about 8450 members spread across nine counties in north-eastern Ohio.

5020 Burgundy Bay Boulevard Medina, OH 44256 t. (330) 723-1000 mpcsec@zoominternet.net